After a 10-hour journey on the night train it was barely 5am when we returned to Delhi. Tired and longing for a hot shower, arriving at the Hotel Boutique Mizpah was like finding a wonderful oasis. The welcome full of care and love first warmed our hearts and allowed us to relax and recover our energy to fully experience what was our last day in India. Caroline and her team dedicated themselves unreservedly to pampering us and It was lovely. Finding a family wherever you go, being able to hear your heart resound in unison, experiencing bonds without barriers is the most precious treasure of everything. If we then add the flowers, the dressing gowns with handmade patterns, the colored cups, the delicious food, the amazing design of the rooms… Everything is taken care of in detail and above all shines with the great humanity that reigns here. The divine is everywhere and here it shines with great intensity.
Which is the genesis of Mizpah?
We started the business 5 years ago before Covid. At that time, I loved with my husband in Australia. We always talked about to do something like this. In the past I usually come to India to take some Australian people to have a tour and I used to stay in this boutique guest house that it was belong to French ladies. They decided to stop the business, so I take it. A lot of guests that they had, they use to stay with me now. Small business but very happy.
What did you do before?
I’ve been a nurse for my entire career, and I worked in a hospital. Now I’m still serving and taking care of the people but in a joyful place and following my passions. Here I want to make sure that the guests will be comfortable and happy so I’m still doing a caring work. I’m still doing what I love but in a different way.
Was it difficult to leave Australia and move here?
My husband, a nurse as me, come and back because he still works in Australia. For myself I decided to find a balance between these two countries so from September to May I stayed in India and then I moved to Australia. The funny thing is that when I’m in India I miss Australia and when I’m in Australia I miss India but both parts of my heart are happy in this way.
Which is your connection with this country?
My family immigrated to Australia when I was in school at 8 so I left a piece of my heart here and I tried to come back in all these years in every possible way. Holiday or take people for a tourist tour… I’ve always searched a way. I feel that I traveled in all over the world to come back at home again and having this small happy business. My soul now is happy. I’ve found this balance that I’ve always searched for my whole career. And I’m so happy to have the opportunity to stay also in Australia because there you’ve fresh air and beautiful countryside. I was born in Culcutta so maybe one day I’ll open a place also there. We’ll see. I believe that the universe gave to you something when it’s right time.
You’re the concrete spirit of Bloom as you are. This magazine is inspired to follow your passions, your nature and find your own mission.
You’ve to follow what you love, what you really want to do. If you follow the direction of what you love everything you need come to you. If you find excuses, you stay unhappy. From the very young age I knew to do what I love, and I always find this way. Many time I made mistakes but most of the time I did the good things but I’m happy to have always follow my heart. Mizaph give me joy every day. I can meet so many people here from all over the world as you and it’s wonderful.
That’s amazing. You’ve also a big passion for local craftsmanship and colors. In the hotel you’ve a small boutique with beautiful things.
I love things with a lot of colors, and I love flowers. In Australia I’ve a beautiful roses garden with an amazing smell. So that’s why in the Hotel I have many beautiful things hand made from the Indian artisans that I choose personally. Because I think that my guests like to buy what they use here I created the possibility to buy it. So, cover pillows, cups, dressing gowns, incenses… with amazing girly colors and patterns, everything made in Jaipur.
And the design of the hotel where came from?
Everything came from me. I decorated everything following what I am. I love to dress myself in very colorful ways so what there is around me reflects what I am. And it was funny do that and very natural, it’s my instinct.
And for your breakfast did you choose sustainable food?
Everything is home made. The brad, the jam… Sometimes in the wintertime we decided day by bay the menu because we build it based on which vegetables we find at the market. I think is important to support farmers, buy everything locally and eat light and fresh food.
Buy and eat locally is fantastic! You can understand deeply the culture of a place. Do you also organize a tour to the flower market right?
We do it twice a week around 6am in the very early morning. A lot of guests they want come with us and see where we buy the beautiful flowers that we have in Mazpah. In this market you can see so many people sell flowers everywhere. It’s a very incredible experience. People love walking and make photos, make garlands, smell the perfume of the flowers. Personally, I can’t stay in a room without flowers. I love them so much.
I think that when you are sensitive you need to stay near the nature and nourish your soul from it. The flowers are the most beautiful expression of the nature.
I agree. And they change every week here in Mizpah. Now I’ve a lot of Delia. Pink, and magenta, orange… I really enjoying that.
For you why a person should be visiting India especially Delhi and stay in your place.
I think everybody should visit India at list once. India teaches you to appreciate the small things in life and don’t worry about things too far in the future. You can learn to appreciate what you’re doing in the present moments and what you have right now. When you came here you can experience this spirituality and magic. When I’m in Australia I see people running around and don’t listen their self or feel grateful for what they have. And about Delhi I think is a beautiful city. There are so many fascinating places to visit. It’s nice to experience the bazar marketing, the food where they are cooking and selling typical things… Also it’s beautiful to visit the historical part of Delhi, the Forts, Museums and buy wonderful craft objects in the shops. Then if you want to experience a very peaceful place escaping from the chaos of the city without noises you can come here and find a very comfortable and peaceful atmosphere, surrounded by love.
Which is the meaning of Mizpah?
It’s a biblical name. There is a verse for Mizpah: “God watch between you and me when we are separated one from each other”. So many people they are so attach with Mizaph and I think it’s nice. When they are separated from India, they always think about it. It’s like somebody watching in a space. My husband gave me a ring with written Mizaph. Even our home in Australia the name was Mizapah. It’s a nice connection.
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